K 2022 in Düsseldorf from 19/26 October 2022
Mondialstampi and Time Tecnologie will be at K 2022 in Düsseldorf from 19/10/2022 – 26/10/2022
Mondialstampi and Time Tecnologie will be at K 2022 in Düsseldorf from 19/10/2022 – 26/10/2022
Eicma this year has meant for us to see the fruits of our work. Three of the most prestigious motorcycle manufacturers have chosen Mondialstampi and
Work in progress … we are also organizing for 2018 our presence at the Plast Fair in Milan, which will be held from May 29th
MONDIALSTAMPI DI CORTESE GIORGIO & C. S.N.C. ha adottato i seguenti canali tramite i quali è possibile presentare una segnalazione:
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MONDIALSTAMPI DI CORTESE GIORGIO & C. S.N.C. has adopted the following channels through which you can submit a report:
The Instructions for Use of the Portal/Software as well as the Privacy Policy regarding the processing of personal data can be found directly by connecting to the address mentioned above. The whistleblower is informed of the receipt of the report and the results of the investigations
carried out in this regard.